RECAP – May 2024

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Hello humans! Another month down, and we’re almost halfway through the year. How was your May? Fair warning – incoming rant about my May….

May is always a bad month for me. I don’t recall a time when May hasn’t been a nightmare, especially in the past decade, it has always been tumultuous or heartbreakingly sad. Based on all the past Mays, I think my subconscious mind automatically shifts gears to “miserable mode” as soon as the month begins. And well, if anyone recalls, I ended April with a “slight flu”, which should have been a warning sign. 

The problematic system of the month turned out to be my respiratory system. The flu evolved into fifty-shades-of-phlegm and then finally I gave in and went to the hospital only to find out that it was bronchitis (yaaay 🙃), which meant that I could not sleep lying down flat, hence spent a few weeks sleeping in the most uncomfortable sitting position on my sofa, which only served to exacerbate my spine & hip pain (double yaaay 🎉). So yes, health-wise, it was a terrible month (how shocking, as if my health was perfect the rest of the months 🙄). Anyway, with all the antibiotics and steroids I consumed this month, I can only assume which organ system is going to give me a whole lot of trouble the next month.

While physically I was trying not to cough out half a lung, emotionally a lot of buried memories resurfaced which greatly stirred the pot between my mother and myself. TW: incoming talk of depression/suicide…. My second last OD attempt was five years ago in May, and I don’t know how I survived 100+ pills, but I did, and that moment of survival was my starting point when I began to fight back for myself. That was the moment when I truly began to see people for who they were and understood my importance in other people’s lives. In a way, that was the point when I started cutting people off without any regrets because I finally learned to distinguish between who truly cared and who didn’t. Although it’s been 5 years, I haven’t exactly made loads of progress, but reflecting back on the past years, I have definitely learned the significance of prioritising myself. Now have I mastered the art of practicing it? No. But we’ll get there eventually….

Also, I graduated two years ago in May, another ugly memory that I will happily delete. Last year it was in May that I was packing up to go for the job that broke me. Seriously I can keep going – May is filled with a ghastly amount of bad memories. 

Ugh anyway. Moving on. I finally watched Bridgerton. No, I’m not talking about season three. I mean seasons one and two. Yes, I hadn’t watched it until now. I’m a binge-watcher by nature and also a mood-watcher, so there were enough episodes and the stars finally aligned and I was in the mood to watch something cheesy and romantic. After watching it, I do understand the hype behind it. Also were people legit surprised when Lady Whistledown’s identity was revealed? Wasn’t it pretty obvious right from the beginning? I haven’t watched S3 yet since only half of it is out, and also me being me, I’m pretty sure I’ll end up watching it a year or two later when there’ll be at least a few more seasons out. And who’s your favourite character/s? Mine is Penelope, she’s been a consistent fave throughout both seasons. 


I started the Atlas series at the end of April and this cursed series not only bewitched my mind and soul but also conveniently put me in a much dreaded book slump. I’m surprised I managed to reach my reading goals for the month because I didn’t think I’d be able to pick a book up after that. The series also put me in a “reviewing” slump since I struggled to develop the bare minimum sentences for the books I read after it. I couldn’t even come up with reviews for The Soulmate and Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop, two books that had been on my TBR forever! 


Thank you to everyone who has liked, commented and subscribed. Really appreciate each of you, and apologies if I’ve failed to like/reply back to your comments. I hope you have a jubilant month and see you again with my next post.


One response to “RECAP – May 2024”

  1. Tanie's Reviews avatar

    Bronchitis is the worst! I hope you’re feeling better.


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